Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Pitch Stage

Ok, so I feel wonderful today because, after months of brainstorming, writing, thinking, conceptualizing, etc. I am finally at the stage of putting together my book proposal to send to literary agents. My fellow entreprehustler and motivator Farrah Parker suggested that I could pitch my own book to publishers, but I really want to be free to just be creative in this situation.

The proposal for a nonfiction book contains the following elements:

Cover Letter
Book Overview
Marketing Potential
Table of Contents
Sample Chapters
Writer's CV
Other relevant information

I am happy to say that I have almost all these parts completed, plus a lot more writing done than is necessary for the pitch. For the rest of this month, I am focusing on getting each of these things in the best shape possible so that by November 1st, I am confident to send out my packet and see what comes back.

I am extremely optimistic about my ability to land an agent and I have been visualizing the success of my book. I feel like the timing is perfect, not just for my subject matter, but also for me personally. My baby is due December 1st and I need to take at least 3 months to devote all of my time to her. I also know that rejection is a major part of the process, so having a new baby to look after will ward off the depression that such rejection can cause.

The Difficulties of Writing Such a Personal Piece

The People

As I write, I am finding that my story is not my story alone, but includes many people that may have an opinion about what I write. I think I am a clever enough writer to be completely honest without throwing other people under the bus, but I honestly did not anticipate how many people's names would actually end up printed in my book. I plan to send everyone mentioned a copy of the part of the book about them, so this should be interesting.

The Obstacles

There are certain occurrences or event in my life that have shaped who I am and speak to my journey to uncover why networking is the other N word. Many of these are very personal and I have not shared them with anyone who was not privy to them as they occurred. Some stories I have really just started confronting over the last year. These are the most difficult to write, one because they bring up so much emotion and, two because I need to frame them in a way that makes me comfortable yet provides the proper context for the book.

Muse Moment

Needless to say, I am super proud of myself for reaching this goal that I set out at the beginning of this process. I have committed to this singular goal and have not let other opportunities distract me. Every time I write, I get a great feeling and I know that this book is a huge stepping stone toward my ultimate destiny. I believe that your 30s are for finding yourself and the people who are destined for greatness are putting the work in now. I know that I will be counted among the greats and I am ready to do what it takes to make sure this happens.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Commercial Break

I opened this blog entry page not knowing what I was going to write. After having such an inspirational couple weeks, I took a trip to California to celebrate my niece's birthday and came back under the weather and tired as hell. I did not get anything accomplished until Friday and that accomplishment did not involve writing.

Ironically, I attended my friend Kimmi Chu's fathers funeral and it ended up being a great day. Sometimes inspiration and motivation come from the strangest places. I also found out that my grandmother passed away on Wednesday and because of Riley's impending birth, I will not be able to make the trip to New Orleans to attend her homegoing. This makes me sad, but I know that I do not have to a attend a funeral to honor her life and I am in no emotional state to deal with a reunion with my dad (though I look forward to hearing about my younger sister LaRita's encounter).

Yesterday, I got my day started at around 2pm and that was a struggle, but this morning I woke up bright and early to start preparing my environment for productivity. I'm looking forward to a nice family day today and tomorrow and getting back into my routine on Tuesday. I am really encouraged by where I am in my entrepreneurial journey and I am feeling both confident and optimistic. Only good can come from this.