Sunday, January 30, 2011


Waxing Retrospective

I started this blog last year with the intention of creating accountability for myself. As a entrepreneur, I do not have a boss to give me assignments and enforce deadlines so I have to be self-motivated. Its interesting to reflect on how far I've come in just a short time. My priorities have completely changed, but my ultimate goal has remained the same: To have a meaningful impact on the world through the creative arts and become a millionaire in the process.

My first blog post lays out my three goals for 2010 and the seven faults I must overcome to be successful. Over the course of the year, I narrowed it down to 1 goal, which was to complete my book proposal, and I reduced those seven faults to their common denominator and made it my business to conquer the fears that were inhibiting my success. In order to grow, I had to stop moving long enough to evaluate my behavior. To that end, I winded down all of my contracts and stepped away from working with clients and really spent some time working on me. Never before had I put up a mirror and evaluated myself, especially not my faults. This was a necessary step if I wanted to continue being an entrepreneur. But we all know that necessary does not mean easy. In fact, 2010 was the most difficult year of my life. I am happy to say that it was well worth it because I came out of the process with a renewed and deeper belief in myself, a no stress attitude, and an awareness of those weaknesses that I must address as I travel on this entrepreneurial journey. Now for the work...

On to the Next

Tomorrow starts the first day back to work after my self-granted maternity leave. Because I was working on so many things last year on top of being pregnant and taking care of my first baby, I made it a point not to pressure myself too much. Now that is over. I do have a newborn, but she is low maintenance. My oldest is now in daycare and my husband has accepted a new demanding job that will involve a major move to NYC sometime in March. With this in mind, I am giving myself through the end of February to complete my book proposal. I would love to move to NYC with a clean slate so I can go about the business of reinventing myself. With no clients and no lingering assignments, I will be free to dream all new dreams and work on making them come true in The Big Apple.